The rise of AI-driven video marketing in 2024


Videos stand out as engaging, visually appealing, and powerful ways to convey messages effectively. They can narrate compelling brand stories, showcase products, and connect with audiences on a deeper level. They can inspire and educate others as part of a thought leadership strategy or convey complex information in a short time.  

Video marketing is not a new trend, but it is set to become even more dominant in 2024. The introduction of AI video tools, including generative AI and text-to-video translation, are transforming video content creation making it more accessible and efficient. And we know that social media algorithms continue to favour video content on their platforms.  

The real appeal of this trend lies in the authenticity that can be conveyed in a video format, especially when it is user generated. In an era where traditional advertising often faces skepticism, user-generated content stands out as genuine and relatable. It helps build trust and credibility with audiences, as well as create a sense of community around your brand.  

Experimenting with video in your content mix and harnessing the power of AI video tools will take your marketing and communications to the next level. And you can have a lot of fun, too!

LinkedIn: Now an essential platform for business leaders


In the context of the rapidly changing professional landscape, LinkedIn has become an indispensable tool for leaders at companies of all sizes. Those who previously would not have prioritized an online presence—for lack of time, resources, etc.—are now forced to accept the digital reality. The aim is to extend existing influence from the real world into the digital sphere. 

LinkedIn is not just a tool for connecting professionals; it is also a privileged forum for sharing innovative ideas, offering perspectives on specific issues and promoting industry best practice. Regular publication of articles and participation in meaningful discussions reinforces the reputation of executives and their position as trusted experts. 

Companies that actively engage in relevant discussions on LinkedIn demonstrate their knowledge of trends and issues, consolidating their influence. By paying close attention to feedback from their audience, they can adjust their approaches and stay in tune with market needs, demonstrating their commitment to continuous improvement. Direct interaction becomes a powerful lever for establishing personalized relationships, fostering lasting, and authentic relationships.  

Your brand’s most effective and influential storyteller is already on your payroll


Influencer marketing’s success, creating loyal customers via people-centric strategy, proves real people sharing real stories have a long-lasting impact.

Real people 

Employee advocacy stands out in a digital landscape crowded with ads and sponsored content. In your 2024 digital strategy, a people-first approach focusing on real value will be essential, as authenticity, credibility, and value are in high demand.

Real stories 

Employee advocacy humanizes your brand, transcending traditional advertising. Authenticity and credibility, key to improving metrics like click-through rates, engagement, and brand lift are fostered by employees sharing their experiences with your brand. People will trust people before logos and taglines.

Real impact 

By empowering your workforce to share their insights online, you can transform your digital marketing performance while creating culture that proactively engages employees.

Statistics suggest employee advocacy can quintuple web traffic and employee content can result in eight times more engagement than brand channel content. Additionally, engaged employees make companies 58% more likely to attract top talent and 20% more likely to retain them. 

Diversification of social strategies is more important than ever


The transformation undergone by social channels in Canada over the past year has been momentous. From the removal of news-sharing abilities on Meta’s platforms in response to Bill C-18 to the seemingly weekly upheavals at Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter), it feels like the ground of the social media landscape is constantly shifting.

However, these platforms and their users are not disappearing; social media remains the second most popular use of the internet in Canada. Users are altering their social media habits, choosing different platforms for specific purposes and adjusting their interactions accordingly. For example, Facebook users are sharing news content through screenshots or text pasting to bypass Meta’s restrictions.

If there ever was such a thing as the social or digital channel with something for everyone, it is no more. Each platform has its unique engagement rules and content hierarchy, leading to rapidly changing usage patterns.

Heading into the 2024, organizations should weigh the benefits and strategy of communicating on each platform carefully, considering who they will be able to reach where and with what message. The current social media landscape demands tailored approaches rather than a one-size-fits-all strategy.

Time for a measurement wake-up call


Every Canadian company has felt the effects of the affordability crisis. It’s simple math: everything is more expensive than it was and it’s putting pressure on the bottom line. This has caused two major issues for communicators: budget cuts and an increased focus on short-term, band-aid solutions to long-term challenges. 

I’ve seen countless plans and post-reports from a wide variety of communicators and most have been missing fundamental components. First, there’s all too often no strategy. The word “strategy” might be said somewhere but the plans are often informed by “gut” or “what we’ve done before” versus research—a telltale sign that strategy is nowhere to be found. Second, the objectives are often way too broad or too narrowly focused. Reporting on “hits” or “impressions” is not going to help anyone argue for a budget increase. Has the short-term rush caused people to forget the basics of communications planning? 

In 2024, smart marketers and communicators will pick up on this and renew their focus on data and strategy to both inform what they do and demonstrate its value. With a plethora of tools and growing sea of intelligence at our fingertips, it would be lazy not to. 

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